Sunday, April 22, 2012

Angy Birds and Joe Biden, the Romney and Rubio Show, the Woman Behind Romney's Voice, His Dad's Dad (PM Note)

Angry Birds - Bird Strike Grounds Air Force 2 in Santa Barbara -

Voting in France Starts Sunday -

Barnstorm - Romney and Rubio will Campaign Together in Pennsylvania Monday

Secret Service Scandal Widens, Somehow Finds a Sarah Palin Peg -

Arizona Acceptance - Thanking Rivals By Name, Romney Embraces GOP Nomination at RNC Gathering -

The Woman Behind Romney's 'Voice' - Shush Walshe on Lindsay Hayes, Romney's new top speechwriter? - Politicians' speechwriters, the good ones that is, become the candidate's voice. It's not just words on a page or a teleprompter, it's another person's tone, history and, of course, sense of humor. If you're the candidate, your goal is to wow your crowd while making it seem as if you wrote it yourself, maybe on the way to the event. -

"My dad's dad was not a polygamist. My dad grew up with a mom and a dad and a few brothers and one sister. They lived in Mexico and lived a very nice life there from what I understand? I do think that as we think about immigration policy, the policies that existed in 19-5 and 1910 may not be highly relevant to the election in 2012 " - Mitt Romney to Carl Cameron, responding to comments from Barry Schweitzer about a his father and grandfather and their time in Mexico near the turn of the last century and how that could relate to immigration today? -

Crossroads' $100 Million -

Jon Karl's Veepwatch - Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels Criticizes Romney -

Jeb Suggests Romney Pick Rubio as Veep -

Nikki Haley in Vogue: I'm a Gov, Not a Veep -

No Doesn't Mean Never - Matt Jaffe writes - "So you want to be the vice presidential nominee? Here's a tip: start by saying you don't" -

Jon Huntsman Describes Mitt Romney's 'Trust Deficit' - Jon Huntsman continues to play Republican gadfly and in a speech Thursday at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, he sounded more like an independent candidate for president (which he is not) than somebody who has endorsed Mitt Romney (which he has).

Joe Manchin Qualifies Anti-Obama Statements (by adding some anti-Romney ones)-

Uighurs to Go from GTMO to El Salvador -

Young Turks Have it Bad - Since President Obama was elected, the under-30 age group has seen their unemployment rate rise higher, their salaries fall lower and their student loan debt swell more than any other age group, the Pew study shows. Only 54 percent of 18-to-24-year-olds are currently employed, the lowest level in more than 60 years, according to a February Pew Research report. And for those that do have jobs, their weekly earnings, which have dropped more than any other age group, are on average 6 percent lower than they were prior to the recession, the Pew study shows - Amy Bingham -?

But There are Some Jobs in Boston - Romney to Quadruple Staff -

Obama Makes Student Loan Rates Next Big Fight - Obama plans to dedicate his weekly address to urging Congress from preventing the rate hike and will call for a social media blitz on lawmakers using the hashtag #DontDoubleMyRate. The president will also visit three college campuses next week and appear for the first time on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" to discuss the issue. He will speak at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Colorado at Boulder on Tuesday. He will appear at the University of Iowa on Wednesday, the White House said. All three schools are in key battleground states.-

Mitt Romney Campaign Raises $12.6M in March -

Funraising Oppo - Team Obama Has "Less Than Reputable" Donors - President Obama's re-election campaign is? circulating a list of eight "wealthy individuals with less-than-reputable records" who have donated to presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney. "Quite a few have been on the wrong side of the law, others have made profits at the expense of so many Americans, and still others are donating to help ensure Romney puts beneficial policies in place for them," the campaign said in a statement from its "Truth Team." (Dwyer)

It's an interesting tack for someone whose first presidential campaign was so dogged by a guy named Rezko. And who has gotten funding from a guy named Corzine? and the list goes on.

Ron Paul Raised $2.6 Million in March -

Biden Predicts Arizona Win But Says 'We're Not Cocky' -

Did Panetta Lobby? - Obama Makes Fort Ord National Monument-

First Gitmo Detainees In More Than A Year Transferred; Uighur Detainees Bound for El Salvador -

Security, the Secret Service Agent's Facebook Behavior + White House Personnel - Tapper's Q's for O's WH - 4/20/2012 -

Gabrielle Union Expected Pate, Got Potato Salad at White House -?

Politicos Giving 2012 Commencement Speeches -

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