Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Clearwater Real Estate News You Can Use! | Tampa Home ...

Clearwater Real EstateTh? weather ?s warm ?nd th? sun ?s shining, making ?t th? perfect t?m? t? start your home improvement projects.

Whether it?s ? l?ttl? tidying up, ?r ? full-on home repair, s?m? tips w?ll h?lp y?u complete your projects w?th?ut ? lot ?f headaches.

Winning th? battle ?g??nst rust

As th? sun begins t? shine brighter, imperfections around th? house begin t? appear. Metal products th?t haven?t b??n properly winterized ?r h?v? simply b??n ?ut ?n th? elements too l?ng c?n begin t? show signs ?f wear ?nd tear, ?nd worst ?f ?ll, rust. Combating rust c?n b? ? real challenge, ?nd too often, people would rather toss ?ut th? rusty bench, garden tools ?r ?v?n th? lawn mower ?nd simply buy something n?w.

Protecting your items fr?m rust ?s easy w?th ? l?ttl? h?lp fr?m th? n?w Rust Protector spray paint fr?m Krylon. It dries ?n just eight minutes, s? y?u don?t h?v? t? worry ?b?ut grass, leaves ?r ?th?r particles getting stuck ?n th? fresh coat ?f paint. Plus, ?t provides th? ultimate protection ?g??nst rust, keeping your outdoor items looking like n?w, regardless ?f th? elements th?y face.

Continue cleaning up outside

G?v? th? outside ?f your house ? l?ttl? TLC. Start w?th th? roof ?nd gutters, since they?ve collected ? lot ?f buildup ?nd h?v? experienced th??r share ?f wear ?nd tear throughout th? colder months. N? ?n? wants t? spend hours dealing w?th inside water damage ?r worse ? mold. Stop th? drama b?f?r? ?t starts by inspecting th? roof ?nd gutters ?nd looking f?r damage such ?s holes, loose shingles ?r leaks.

And wh?l? you?re outside, g?v? your siding ? glance, too. Wh?l? y?u w?r? warm ?nd toasty inside th?s past winter, th? exterior ?f your house was getting ? beating. Cold weather, snow, ice ?nd ?v?n wind c?n cause problems t? th? siding, s? b? sure t? address ?ny issues quickly.

Check f?r ? cool breeze

It?s probably b??n ? f?w months since th? air conditioner was turned ?n, making n?w th? perfect t?m? t? check th?t it?s st?ll running smoothly. Your air conditioner ?s important b?c?us? ?t n?t ?nly keeps your home cool during th? hot summer; ?t ?ls? dehumidifies your house ?nd keeps mold fr?m developing inside th? walls.

First, check th? AC filters ?nd replace th?m ?f th?y appear dirty, since ? dirty filter c?n cause strain ?nd damage t? your air conditioner by making ?t work harder th?n necessary. Turn your air conditioner ?n f?r ? test run; once ?t h?s b??n running f?r ? wh?l?, check th? refrigerant levels by feeling th? pipe connected t? your AC unit. It should f??l cool t? th? touch ? ?f ?t doesn?t y?u m?y b? low ?n refrigerant ?nd w?ll want t? refill b?f?r? th? l?ng, hot d?ys ?f summer.

M?k? th? inside sparkle

Outside projects shouldn?t g?t ?ll your attention. As y?u m?v? inside, start ?ff w?th small cleaning projects s? y?u don?t g?t overwhelmed. Scrubbing your bathroom, vacuuming your carpets ?nd dusting ?v?ry inch ?f th? house c?n t?k? s?m? t?m? ? wh?ch m?st ?f us don?t h?v?. Simple tasks such ?s cleaning ?n? room ? d?y, clearing ?ff cluttered countertops ?s y?u walk into th? kitchen, creating an organization system ?nd donating unused products t? charity c?n g?t your house clean ?n n? t?m?.

Clearwater Real Estate News You Can Use!


Clearwater Real Estate News is updated weekly with a variety of information that you can use in and around your home. In the Clearwater Real Estate News, we share home decorating and home improvement ideas, as well as information on senior living and much more.

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Plus, be sure to check out all of the wonderful local Tampa businesses here on our site! They stand ready to serve you today! ?Don?t forget to mention to the merchant that you saw their information here in the Clearwater Real Estate News.

Here are some other Tampa real estate related sites that we found for you to browse. Thanks for visiting Tampa Real Estate News.

The Bank of Tampa of Tampa FL | Investigative Reporting Workshop
Tampa Palms Tampa FL 33647 Home for Sale - Yahoo! Real Estate
ZMA Investments Tampa FL Real Estate Investment http://www ...
Tampa Real Estate Coastal Homes - YouTube
Clearwater Florida Real Estate

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